What is the ACOG's position on home births?

The ACOG acknowledges that both labor and delivery, "while a physiologic process, clearly presents potential hazards to both mother and fetus before and after birth." The ACOG's statement continues to specifically state that "these hazards require standards of safety that are provided in the hospital setting and cannot be matched in the home situation." The ACOG supports those actions that improve the experience of the family while continuing to provide the mother and her infant with accepted standards of safety available only in hospitals. These safety standards are outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics and ACOG. Women considering home births should investigate the standards of the midwifery or birthing organization to which the birth attendant belongs.

The American College of Nurse Midwifery is more flexible, supporting home births within certain defined parameters. They refer to this as a "planned home birth." They support the provision of protocols by hospitals, physicians, and insurers which define strict parameters for the care of patients at home.

Source: http://emedicine.medscape.com/

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