Week 15 Pregnancy Symptoms

Heartburn or indigestion: Now that you’re hungrier, you may find that eating large amounts of food in one sitting can lead to heartburn or indigestion. Guard against gastrointestinal discomfort by eating several small meals throughout the day (rather than three large ones) so as not to overload your digestive system.

Flatulence: The hormones relaxin and progesterone are relaxing the muscles in your body (including those in your gastrointestinal tract), causing gassiness. Avoid gas-inducing foods such as broccoli, cabbage, beans, and fried foods.

Bloating: The hormones that are causing your gastrointestinal system to relax and produce gas can also lead to bloating. A solution you’ll enjoy: Take time out to relax and get pampered (massage, pedicure, you name it) because tension can also cause you to swallow air, both during meals and during the day — increasing bloat.

Occasional headaches: Headaches during pregnancy can be caused by just about anything — hormones, fatigue, stress. To lessen your pain, place a cool compress on your forehead or on the back of your neck and sit in a dark, quiet room.

Occasional faintness or dizziness: If you can’t find a place to lie down or sit when you feel light-headed, kneel and bend your head forward as though you were tying your shoe. This will help prevent you from fainting and taking a spill.

Varicose veins: The good news about varicose veins? They’re unlikely to cause any harm. Plus, their presence is a good excuse to sit down and kick back with your feet up, since elevating your legs helps keep blood circulating and reduces pressure on the veins in your legs.

Lower abdominal achiness: As the muscles and ligaments that support your growing uterus stretch, you might notice some pain on the lower sides of your belly (technically called round ligament pain). This is perfectly normal — but if the pain becomes severe, let your practitioner know.

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