First Month Of Pregnancy: Body Changes

It is a wonderful time to you and your lady as she is in her first month of pregnancy. She is already dreaming about things, her baby and the body changes that she needs to undergo for the next eight months. First month pregnancy is most of the time not known and is part of the first trimester or early prenatal phase.

There isn't much physical changes but the body undergoes a lot internally. You will skip your periods and feel emotionally bewildered. There is a lot of mixed feelings (happiness, scare) in the first month.

You are too scared to tell your friends as you want to wait for some more time. Miscarriages are quite possible in the first three months so normally women stay mum until they are assured that they will be mum.

In the first month, the sperm and egg join (ovulation) and begin their journey to the uterus. Your pregnancy test is confirmed and now there are changes you can notice in your body.

Body Changes During Pregnancy

1. Swelling Belly And Breasts

2. Mood Swings

3. Variation In Body Temperature

Your partners needs to understand that it is not only a happy moment but time his partner undergoes a lot of emotions and body changes. He needs to patiently deal with her, show lot of care and build confidence to keep away the fear.

It is time for all the expectant fathers to seek advice from the doctor and follow it without fail. There are many sites talking about pregnancy care and myths but what one needs to understand is be cool and calm.

There is a possibility of miscarriage in the first pregnancy so the couple will have to undergo a lot of physical and emotional challenge. It is important for the expectant couple to remain calm and composed.

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