Week 14 Pregnancy Symptoms

Decreasing need to urinate frequently: Bladder pressure tends to lessen in the second trimester, which means you may finally be able to skip a few trips to the bathroom each day. Enjoy it now — bladder pressure ramps up again in the third trimester, when the baby drops farther into the pelvis.

Decreasing fatigue: You’re probably feeling a renewed sense of energy now that your body has finished its first-trimester task of manufacturing the placenta. So consider taking this opportunity to get a jump start on baby prep (ready to start picking out a baby registry wish list?).

Continued breast growth but decreasing tenderness: While your breasts are still growing and changing (for instance, your areolas are probably darker and your nipples may be on “high alert”), they may not feel as achy as they did in your first trimester.

An end to (or decrease in) nausea and vomiting: If you’re like most women, your morning sickness may be coming to an end now that you’re in your second trimester (yay!). Pat yourself on the back (or tummy) for making it through the worst of the nausea.

Increasing appetite: Now that the nausea is subsiding, you’ve rediscovered your appetite. Do your best to eat regular, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day (which keeps blood sugar and energy stable) instead of bingeing (which causes sugar highs and subsequent sugar crashes).

Varicose veins: These large, swollen blood vessels, which often show up on the legs, are caused by the extra blood volume you produce to nourish your baby-to-be. Though you may not be able to prevent varicose veins entirely (they’re hereditary), you can help minimize them by walking throughout the day to keep blood circulating.

Possible nasal congestion: Those pesky hormones are to blame once again — high levels of estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow to mucous membranes in the body (including the nose), which causes them to swell and soften. Try running a warm-mist humidifier while you sleep to make breathing easier.

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