Week 29 Pregnancy Symptoms

Constipation: Pregnancy hormones cause your muscles (including those in your bowel) to relax, which can cause your system to get backed up. One way to get on track is to eat yogurt with the probiotic acidophilus (look for yogurt brands that contain “live active cultures”) since these beneficial bacteria can aid in digestion and help get things moving.

Occasional headaches: When a headache (even a migraine) hits, alleviate pain by lying down in a quiet, dark room with a cold compress on your neck or forehead.

Hemorrhoids: If the veins in your rectum have begun to bulge and pop out (as a result of increased pressure and blood flow to the pelvic area), reduce discomfort and irritation by using gentle wipes or warm water on soft toilet paper after bowel movements and, of course, drinking lots of fluids so your stool isn't hard.

Forgetfulness: No wonder your brain feels especially foggy these days — hormones are wreaking havoc on your memory and your brain-cell volume actually decreases during the third trimester. Try not to take this temporary pregnancy symptom to heart — stressing about it will only cloud your pregnancy brain even more.

Itchy abdomen: Your stretched-out belly can cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Apply moisturizer regularly and consider soaking in a warm oatmeal bath to ease the itch.

Skin, hair, and nail changes: Even though your nails may be growing faster than ever, pregnancy hormones may also cause them to become dry and brittle. Trim them regularly.

Difficulty sleeping: If heartburn is keeping you up at night, avoid eating too much and chowing down too close to bedtime. Also, avoid coffee or chocolate in the evening since these energizers will make it harder for you to get to sleep.

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